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Informationen zu Gurdjieff, J. Bennett und Seminaren von Bruno Martin.
Non avete nessuna ragione per credermi. Vi domando di non credere a nulla che non potete verificare per voi stessi. Se non avete una mente critica, la vostra visita qui è inutile.
The Kabbalistic Teaching Painting of Princess Antonia of Württemberg in Bad Teinach. Die Kabbalistische Lehrtafel der Prinzessin Antonia zu Württemberg in Bad Teinach. Village Church at Bad Teinach in Germany. Proverbs, Chapter 25, Verse 2. Thirty Years War in Württemberg. Princess Antonia and Her Circle.
Emphasised that in the quest. For more spirituality, personality of necessity has to become passive. Often spoke on the subject of No-mind, which is beyond mind, and meditation is the key. Flows towards a person who is nobody. Osho and Gurdjief s fingers have been, and are, pointing to the same Moon.
Emphasised that in the quest. For more spirituality, personality of necessity has to become passive. Often spoke on the subject of No-mind, which is beyond mind, and meditation is the key. Flows towards a person who is nobody. Osho and Gurdjief s fingers have been, and are, pointing to the same Moon.
Courses in Objective Movement based on Mr.
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The energy spent on active inner work is then and there transformed into a fresh supply, but that spent on passive work is lost for ever.
Bdquo;Ljudske sposobnosti su veoma velike. Ne možete da zamislite čak ni bledu senku onoga što je čovek u stanju da postigne.
Obstajajo ljudje, katerih radovedni um hrepeni po resnici srca, jo išče, si prizadeva rešiti probleme, ki jih zastavlja življenje in poskuša prodreti v bistvo stvari in pojavov ter vase. Če človek globlje razmisli, ne glede na to kateri poti sledi pri reševanju teh problemov, se mora neizogibno vrniti k sebi in začeti z reševanjem vprašanja kdo je on sam in kakšno je njegovo mesto v svetu, ki ga obdaja.